Mrs. HELMINE SIJA MONIQUE, about 50 years old, six children, single, prepares raketa (cactus) to eat with her daughter TOLIE, 10 years old, in the village of Atoby, commune of Behara, on August 30, 2021. The raketa only helps to cut the feeling of hunger but does not provide any nutrients and is known to give strong stomach aches. It must be boiled for a long time before being eaten. Three of her children have left for Tsihombe, 100km to the west in the Androy region, to try to find work. She would like to live somewhere else in a more fertile area so that she can farm, but she does not have enough money to move. Every day, her children buy water (5 cents USD for a 20-liter can) from the Mandrare River, located 7 kilometers away. "I feel sick and stressed about life. Every day I have to think about what we are going to eat," says HELMINE SIJA MONIQUE.

Mrs. HELMINE SIJA MONIQUE, about 50 years old, six children, single, prepares raketa (cactus) to eat with her daughter TOLIE,...